Day Trips, Overnight Excursions, and Weekend Getaways

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Baltimore’s unique location makes it a great starting point for exploring nearby attractions. Located nearby are hundreds of destinations that can be experienced in a day, weekend, or week-long excursion. Local and regional destinations include small towns, resort communities, beaches, … Continued

Francis Scott Key Memorial Buoy (2020)

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In late June, crewmembers of Coast Guard Cutter James Rankin deployed the Francis Scott Key memorial buoy on the Patapsco River. The specially designed star-spangled buoy marks the approximate location where Francis Scott Key wrote The country’s National Anthem while … Continued

2020 Baltimore Harbor Construction – Maintenance Projects

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Throughout 2020, an array of marine infrastructure projects will be in progress in Baltimore Harbor and nearby waterways. Improvements include aerial electric power transmission line construction, channel dredging, and other projects. Patapsco River Power Transmission Line Construction On the Patapsco … Continued